How can I view the transcripts of a number of mote recordings?


Viewing transcripts and info about your own motes

If you wish to analyze or access the transcripts of your own mote recordings, there's an easy way to do this right from the Activity page.

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Export' in the top right corner of the table. This will generate a CSV file of all your mote recordings, including transcripts.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the email notification from Mote with the CSV. If you haven't received this after 10 minutes, please check your Spam filter and your email notification settings.
  4. Once you receive the data, open the file in Excel or Google Sheets


Viewing transcripts and info about other motes

Perhaps you have used a Google Form to collect spoken responses from students or colleagues, and you want to be able to view information about the motes, including:

  1. Transcript
  2. Download link
  3. Author
  4. Title
  5. Duration

The good news is that you can now do this, using a simple Google Sheet template.

First, click to create a copy of this Google Sheet template. 

Next, follow the instructions.



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