I'm a school admin - how do I manage my account?


We've been continually adding more functionality to our Account Admin page.


Here's a video that walks through many common Admin use cases, including:

- How do I re-allocate my paid license to another user?

- How do I add an additional Admin to our school or district account?

- How do I add additional users to our school or district account?

- How do I remove a user from our school or district account?


If you're the account admin, and don't want to have one of the purchased licenses, simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'User directory',
  2. Click 'Change' on your own name / account
  3. Select ' Remove allocated license', and click 'Update'
  4. Navigate back to your 'My Account' page, and click 'Add colleagues now'
  5. Paste the email address of the user for the paid account.



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